Tag Archive for: classroom space

The Ideal Solution to More Classroom Space in Schools

The demands of pupils, students, parents and the curriculum are changing so much in UK schools that we now have a rising need for small spaces to work with in order to cater for the massive rise in special needs students and those with English as a second language (EAL). We have heard these described by school staff as break out rooms, contemplative rooms or nurture rooms – basically somewhere where teachers and students can go to outside of the main hurly burly of the average school day to get a bit of peace and quiet basically!

And herein lies the problem – where do they actually find this space? Schools are absolutely bursting to the seams as it is with every square inch of space being utilised to the full so it is therefore difficult to find somewhere to work. And school budgets are not exactly stretching to being able to afford a new classroom block or modular/mobile classroom.

But we have the solution and that is our enclosed outdoor classrooms because actually, all that is needed is an outdoor room capable of accommodating a class let’s say and can be used all year round. Our outdoor classrooms come in all shapes and sizes – octagonal, square and rectangular – and can be fully insulated & double glazed and we can even provide an attractive glass roof atrium to allow in lots of natural light from above. We can also provide a base for them to sit upon and internal benching if so required….and we can also make them eco friendly with solar panels and wind turbines for a bit of extra green power. We also deliver and install nationwide so no problem there either.

And our prices are affordable starting at just £9K ex VAT for an enclosed outdoor classroom. And of course these buildings can be used by the wider local community as well which opens up grant opportunities and other income generating possibilities (e.g. to rent out when not being used by the school).

We have a whole range of schools we have supplied with these type of buildings so if you needed any testimonials, then we would be happy to supply these too.

For more information, please visit our website below or call on 01865 858982 or email: info@hideouthouse.com


Enclosed octagonal and rectangular classrooms

Enclosed octagonal and rectangular classrooms