Why We Are Now Using Recycled Plastic For Our Play Equipment

recycled plastic play equipment

Recommended trail package

Play equipment in schools has traditionally been made out of timber (in public play parks steel is more common due to vandalism issues) and for good reasons. It is attractive and easy to work with but it can’t withstand the rain and the cold for too long. Time consuming on-going maintenance does certainly help but the fact is that it can’t last forever and why eventually it has to be replaced.

But this is not the case with recycled plastic which due to its unique composition has many, many advantages which are listed below:

  • Durability – the material is resistant to all weathers and can therefore be used all year round; it will not rot; it is splinter free so low risk of injury and it is moisture repellent. Unlike timber, it does not absorb water at all and is even resistant to salt water.
  • Economical – there are a lot of savings for customers. It is low maintenance and on-going service costs are minimal plus it has a long service life (5 times that of timber for example).
  • Eco Friendly – recycled plastic is produced without preservatives, is sustainable and friendly to the environment, reduces the strain on landfill and is non-polluting.

As a result of the above benefits, recycled plastic is also ideal for products in schools where there is a high exposure to elements which will cause timber to eventually rot – such as water, mud, soil, sand etc. That is why we are now using it for our planters, sandboxes, water walls, mud kitchens, bark pit edging and dipping pond platforms.

In fact the applications are endless!

For more information on our recycled plastic product range, please visit www.hideouthouse.com or call 01832 275902 or email: info@hideouthouse.com