The Eco Hub Outdoor Classroom

Many years ago, our company pioneered the concept of an eco classroom that featured many items which allowed the children to learn about the environment and sustainability- so the building was meant to both be functional and educational at the same time. They could learn from just being in the building shall we say!

Well, we are now moving this concept on so that it can work on a different and smaller scale. The Eco Hub building is a 4m x 4m outdoor classroom shelter which has our standard felt shingle tile roof and log lap ceiling (which is tanalised to the highest grade 4 for outdoor protection). The side walls are timber lower level solid panels and the back wall is solid running from floor to roof. The front is open sided. The standard model will not have a timber decked floor although there is an option to have this if so required. So far, very normal you might say!

But then we start to add in the eco elements. Firstly, it will feature our very popular and unique renewable energy equipment which is designed to be first and foremost an educational tool. It has a roof mounted solar panel and a mini wind turbine. These create energy which is then stored in a battery which is mounted on the internal monitoring board. This energy is then converted into usable electricity via an inverter so the children can use the sockets to power up laptops, tablets etc. The system also comes with a datalogger and a bulk head light.

The Eco Hub will also include a water butt, roof guttering and water irrigation system (again powered by a mini solar panel) to provide for rainwater harvesting to provide water for whatever the school wishes to grow in the planters provided.

One of the lower level panels will also have a built-in bug hotel unit giving the children the opportunity to explore nature’s various bugs and wildlife!

And you can have roll-down canvas panels to the windows and entrance if you needed some extra protection from the elements and can therefore use all year round comfortably.

And last but not least, the special electricity generating bikes – we are working with a specialist supplier for these. Basically the children have to pedal on specially adapted bikes with built in dynamos to create energy – this will then power up a music system with bluetooth, speakers and sound pads, a bubble making machine and some bright revolving disco type lights! When the children stop pedalling, so does the music  – a good incentive to keep up the pedal power!

We shall be installing the first one fairly soon so we will post a video of this as soon as it is available.

For further information on the Eco Hub, please contact the Hideout House Company on 01832 275902 or email: