Switch to Ecotricity for your energy supplier and earn money for your school at the same time


The Hideout House Company joins forces with Ecotricity to launch playground offer for schools

Specialist eco playground supplier The Hideout House Company has teamed up with green energy supplier Ecotricity to offer a fund-raising package for schools to get their hands on green playground products.

For every new customer who signs up for Ecotricity’s electricity or gas tariffs, a school of their choice will receive a donation of up to £60 to purchase Hideout House green playground products¹.

Simon Fearnehough, from the Hideout House Company, said: “With the Big Six energy suppliers having recently announced energy price increases, now is as good a time as any to buy green power – not least because Ecotricity pledges always to cost less than the standard Big Six electricity tariff in your region or the standard gas price from British Gas wherever you live.

“It’s a win-win offer – consumers can save some money on their energy bills, and raise some funds for their chosen school too.”

Ecotricity are an energy company unlike any other. They take the money their customers spend on their electricity and gas bills and turn it into new sources of renewable energy – generating green energy from their fleet of wind and sun parks, and green gas complete with a ‘frack-free’ guarantee.

Jake Windsor, Partnerships Manager at Ecotricity, said: “This is a partnership with two clear sustainable outcomes – providing green energy to households on the one hand, and delivering green playground equipment for schools on the other. Hopefully, this offer will be a great boost for people looking for a cheaper, greener energy supplier, as well as for schools looking for more sustainable playgrounds.”

The Hideout House products are designed with the emphasis on teaching children about the environment and feature extensively eco features such as sedum roofs, wind turbines, solar panels, water butts and planters².

Ecotricity was founded in 1995 as the world’s first green energy company. Now powering around 80,000 homes and businesses from its growing fleet of wind and sun parks, the company is a ‘not-for-dividend’ enterprise that, on average, invests more per customer in building new sources of green electricity than any other energy company in Britain.

For schools interested in promoting the offer to staff, parents, PTAs or on their websites and newsletters, simply send out the landing page link, or contact Ecotricity for promotional resources and literature³.


¹ Customers simply log onto a landing page, choose Ecotricity’s Green Gas and/or Green Electricity tariff, and once they have signed up a donation is automatically generated for any product in the Hideout House range. This link is www.ecotricity.co.uk/hideout-house.

Donations are: £40 for electricity; £20 for gas; £60 for dual fuel

² For more on The Hideout House’s green credentials, visit their website: https://www.hideouthouse.com/eco

³ Contact Jacob Windsor from Ecotricity on 01453 756111 or email: jacob.windsor@ecotricity.co.uk

For further details please contact Simon Fearnehough on 01865 858982 or email: simon@hideouthouse.com
