Plastic Pollution and Recycled Plastic

Thankfully this very big and important issue of worldwide plastic pollution – and the damage it is doing to our planet – is now very much at the forefront of the news and social media platforms – very much helped along by David Attenborough’s Blue Planet TV series which broadcast alarming images of how the oceans are increasingly being choked with litter. And every day another news story appears which helps to ignite our outrage at what is happening.

So here are some facts:
* Every minute one million plastic bottles are sold worldwide
* 12 million tonnes of plastic is dumped into our oceans and rivers every single year
* Europe recycled only 30% of the plastic made and you have got to be believe that we are at the better end of the recycling loop
* It is not just plastic bottles, straws and packaging – tiny micro plastics are also dangerous and can harm marine life

Positive action is being taken however and there are now many lobby groups around the world trying to influence and change Government policy on plastic production and recycling. The plastic companies also need to take a very active part in phasing out all non-essential plastic and to move away from single-use and throwaway plastics. If Government laws do force these companies to take the right action, it can work – look at the recent example of the 5p plastic bag levy which has resulted in a plastic bag usage drop of an amazing 80%! And a lot of supermarkets – notably Tesco and their Bags of Help community fund – have taken this initiative further by setting up local community funding programmes.

Schools are undoubtedly very much at the forefront of environmentally friendly practices through the help of programmes such as Eco Schools. This is also helping to alter or influence the mindset of today’s younger generation in questioning whether what we take for granted now is acceptable for the well-being of the planet in the future. This is going to be far more their problem than previous generations.

All of the above is one of the leading drivers why we, as the Hideout House Company, decided to change from using rounded timber for our trim trail adventure play equipment to using recycled plastic instead. Not only does it have many other numerous benefits – such as rot free, 5 x longevity, minimal maintenance etc – it has exceptional “green” credentials as it is manufactured from 100% recycled plastic bottles. These products cause hardly any environmental contamination with environmental protection being taken into consideration even during production where emissions are kept low. So instead of these plastic bottles ending up in the oceans choking and killing our precious marine life or polluting our landscapes, it can end up in your school’s playground instead!

For further information on our range of recycled plastic products, please visit