Mini Modular Classrooms

We have had numerous enquiries from schools – especially since the advent of the corona virus – who are looking for an outdoor “space”. They are not specifically looking for a mobile classroom for extra classroom space but are wanting something smaller, which can be used all year round and which can be used for a whole host of reasons (outdoor classroom, break out space, library, nurture room, staff room, forest school facility, community space etc)

Other factors on the “wish list” include for aesthetics, speed of construction, insulation properties and of course cost.

We have another side to our business which is selling accommodation pods and mini lodges to the hospitality, leisure and tourism trades and one of our biggest sellers is a mini lodge. But if you take out all of the inside elements which are required for an overnight guest, then you actually have exactly what schools are looking for.

These lodges – or shall we now call them mini modular classrooms within this context – come in a range of different sizes. They are always 3.6m in width (due to transport restrictions – see below) but the lengths are 5m, 7m and 9m. They are typically clad in cedar with an attractive cedar shingle tile roof but other materials are also available such as redwood pine or larch and felt shingle shingles (which are available in a range of colours). These units are fully insulated throughout to floor, walls and ceiling and so therefore have high thermal insulating properties which means they are cheaper to heat.

If needs be, we can also supply a kitchenette and WC facility. All units come with an electrics package including heating, lighting and power sockets.

These mini modular classrooms are pre-manufactured units so they are made at the factory and then delivered to site – fully pre-assembled – on the back of a special transport truck. Depending on access at the school, they are then either craned into position or towed. So time on site is minimal….like a day…so very little disruption to the school day.

They do however need to have some sort of a base if not being sited onto an existing hardstanding surface but we can also help in this instance with special ground screw foundation systems which don’t require any concrete being poured and can usually be installed within the day. The only thing a school has to do is to arrange for services to be run out to site – ie electrics or foul drainage/water if a WC has been elected for.

For further information on our mini modular classrooms, please call us on 01832 275902 or email: