Grants and Funding for Outdoor Classrooms

Just Sit Back and We Will Do All The Hard Work!

As we sell a lot of classroom buildings in their various guises, we have made it our business to understand and research how a school can raise the necessary funds to pay for them. And it needn’t cost you anything – just a bit of your time and dedication is all that we require!

This past quarter, we have successfully helped five schools raise enough money through grants and other fundraising means to pay for our outdoor classrooms. All it cost these various schools was an hour of their time and we did the rest. And if you can factor in the efforts of your school’s PTA, then even better.

We deal with schools every day and at the moment, there seems to be a shortage of two vital elements – direct funding from the Government for projects such as these and a teacher’s time to try and find other alternative means of funding them. But we can help you and have so far proved to be rather successful at it. You can then get on with what you do best.

For more information on the above, please contact Simon Fearnehough on 01865 858982 or email:

or visit grant funding for schools