If you are wanting to have a mobile classroom or modular classrooms, then we have the solution. We wanted to make sure that not only was the building manufactured to a high quality standard but that is also looked attractive and was something you could be proud of.

The buildings are all pre-manufactured at our partner’s factory in Cumbria including all internal partitioning, sanitary ware, kitchen equipment, electrics, heating and lighting. Each unit is then delivered to site, fully assembled, on the back of a low loader truck and positioned onto existing baseworks. These buildings can be up to 40ft in length and 20ft in width.

The great advantage to having mobile classrooms is that on-site time is minimal compared to a traditional build which can typically last for 8-10 weeks. With mobile classrooms, you could expect this to be reduced to 2-3 weeks – so far less inconvenience and disruption to your school.

We are able to offer standard classroom packages (see downloads) which are already fully Building Regulation compliant or we can manufacture to your own individual specification and internal layouts.

How to Solve the Problem of School Classroom Shortage

Well I think we all know by now that we have a problem in this country in that there are simply too many children for too few school classroom spaces and it is a problem which isn’t going to go away any time soon. So although our dear politicians are still blaming each other for not doing enough or for not sufficiently identifying this hiatus, we at the Hideout House Company are already ahead of the curve and are coming to the nation’s rescue.

I’ve got to believe that the problem for classroom overcrowding does not always necessitate the need to immediately get your cement mixer out and start building brand new schools because the last time I looked, the public purse was a little bereft of funds. So you need to find another solution and I think that this has got something to do with the following:

1) As no-one seems to know absolutely for sure whether this is just a one-off demographic blip or whether this is indeed more of a medium to long term problem – in which case a school needs to be flexible in its approach and can therefore provide accommodation which mirrors the inevitable ebb and flow of the annual school pupil roster.

2) A new classroom building has got to look aesthetically pleasant and is not like something you would expect to see on a building site.

3) Understandably schools don’t like to have a lot of building work going on during school term time so I can appreciate why Bob the School Builder only comes out to play during school holidays. But what if this could not always be achieved due to one thing and another so you would need minimal on-site building schedules and minimal disruption to the school day.

4) As a school with individual needs, you might have your own ideas as to what you want to have in this new building and how it is designed/laid out but you don’t really want to buy an “off-the-peg, one size fits all” solution. You want to stamp your own identity on it with a building which meets your own requirements.

5) You might want to one day perhaps move it to another area at the school or indeed to another site altogether. Or you might not need it anymore in which case you could sell it to another school…or rent it out to the local community and generate some income.

6) As a school head, I am sure that you will not have the time nor the inclination to deal with all of the complex and timely issues surrounding the provision of a new building – namely planning, sub-contract works, building regs etc and you would love to be able to just come into school one morning and the shiny brand new building is already there

Well if all of the above makes sense and ticks some boxes, then we can help you and the nation’s problem out. We have vast experience of supplying classroom buildings and solutions to schools nationwide and we know how time consuming it can be. I personally would want re-assurance of this claim so we are more than happy for all of our new customers to go and visit our existing customers, see our buildings in the flesh, visit our factory and ask loads of questions.

Have a look at our website pages and then please give us a call.

school classroom buildings

For further information, please contact Simon Fearnehough on 01865 858982 or mobile 07711 542589 and e-mail simon@hideouthouse.com

ClassroomSt Gregorys & St Patricks 1