Capital Funding for Early Years/Nursery Places

£100 Million of Capital Funding To Secure Early Years Education for Eligible Two Year Olds

Free early education will become a statutory entitlement for eligible two year olds from Sept 1 2013. The Deputy Prime Minister announced back in Sept 2012 that £100 million of capital funding would be made available to support the delivery of the two year old entitlement and the individual capital allocations for each local authority were subsequently announced on 27th November.

Local authorities are now developing their plans for allocating this capital funding but there is no time limit for allocating or spending the funding as each LA will be looking into their own individual needs and priorities. This additional funding may however be used for any capital purpose e.g having a new classroom built for extra nursery space but it is very much intended to support the implementation of early education. So for more information on how the capital funding is being allocated you should contact your local authority directly or visit

As a result of this funding,  we have had quite a few enquiries of late from early years settings wanting buildings for extra classroom space as their existing facilities cannot deal with this extra demand come September. And they are accessing funds from this grant to pay for it.

Please therefore have a look at our range of classroom buildings at the link given below and then give us a call to arrange for a full quotation and proposal. But don’t wait too long!


For further details, contact Simon Fearnehough from the Hideout House Company Ltd on 01865 858982 or email